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We’re here to help your organization make responsible, cost-effective decisions regarding managing greenhouse gas emissions. It’s as simple as that.

Strategic Carbon was formed out of a world renowned interdisciplinary environmental think tank at the University of British Columbia. Our philosophy regarding organizational sustainability is that sustainability begins and ends with people like you - and the decisions that you make.

We are decision experts. We excel at knowing the full system-wide impact of environmental decisions, and we consider it our job to help you make the most cost-effective, productive, engagement and reputation enhancing decisions possible, while also minimizing your impact on the environment, and enhancing your role as a responsible member of society.

We think in the big picture, but we think with your interests in mind.


Specifically, we offer the following services:

  • GHG life cycle assessment of products, processes, and services
  • PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral Claims
  • Greenhouse gas, validation, verification, assessment, and footprints
  • CDM project development
  • Critical review of life cycle assessments and GHG reduction/removal projects and ideas
  • Strategic planning

Don’t see what you’re looking for here? Call us to discuss. Conversation is where all great decisions start.