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Dr. Eric Mazzi: Associate

Bruce Sampson: Strategic Advisor

Dr. Hadi Dowlatabadi: Strategic Advisor

Dr. John Robinson: Strategic Advisor

Mahbod Rouhany: President and Founder


Dr. Eric Mazzi: Associate

Eric Mazzi is an engineer and researcher with 20 years of professional experience. His consulting experience includes projects ranging from high-level environmental studies to hands-on design and testing projects. For example, in 2001 Eric was the principal co-author of a study of GHG reductions options applying commercial and developing fossil power options for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. He has designed and implemented performance-testing projects for various industrial facilities, such as coal-fired power plants. As a researcher, he has studied policy and technology options to manage GHG emissions from passenger car use, while simultaneously addressing health risks. His research on climate change mitigation and air quality, co-authored with Hadi Dowlatabadi, won the editor’s award for “Policy Paper of the Year 2006” for the high-impact journal Environmental Science & Technology. Collectively, his experience includes GHG management for industrial, power generation, and transportation sectors. Eric is a registered professional engineer in B.C., a certified energy manager, has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering, and has received his PhD. in Resources & Environment from UBC.


Bruce Sampson: Strategic Advisor

Bruce Sampson had been a leader in energy policy in British Columbia for more than a decade in various senior leadership roles with B.C. Hydro. Prior to this, Bruce spent many years in various positions with the Provincial Government including economist with the Treasury Board Staff, Acting Director of Tax Policy and Director of the Debt Management Branch.

In 1985 Bruce took a leave of absence from the Ministry of Finance and along with his wife spent two years sailing on a round trip to the South Pacific. He returned, ultimately heading the Provincial Treasury Division at the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, where he oversaw a $30 billion debt portfolio and was responsible for an annual debt-financing program in excess of $4 billion. During the tenure with the Treasury Department, Bruce and his team were responsible for establishing the first Medium Term Note Program for government issuers in Canada. The team also received distinction winning the International Financial Review’s award for Canadian Dollar Bond Deal of the Year.

Bruce joined B.C. Hydro in 1997 as Director, Strategic Issues and Planning. Shortly after joining Hydro Bruce was appointed Executive Vice President of Powerex - the energy-trading subsidiary of B.C. Hydro. During his tenure with Powerex, Bruce was involved with the team developing the Risk Management framework. While heading up the Strategic Planning team Bruce was heavily involved with helping B.C. Hydro develop its position with respect to the deregulation of the energy markets in North America. He was eventually seconded to the provincial government team to assist in the development of the Provincial Energy Plan introduced in 2001. During his tenure at BCH Bruce and his team were instrumental in helping introduce the first voluntary renewable energy portfolio standard for a utility in Canada. B.C. Hydro was also at the forefront of the adoption of a triple bottom line framework and integration of sustainability objectives throughout the company. Innovest ranked B.C. Hydro as the top of the list of 27 companies they reviewed in 2003 giving the organization a AAA rating for sustainability.

Bruce has had extensive involvement in developing B.C. Hydro’s long-term strategy and goals, with specific emphasis on ensuring sustainability is incorporated into the long-term goals, strategies and objectives. Bruce also has a strong external focus and sits on a wide range of boards and committees - he completed over 40 talks to various groups in 2006/07. He is currently an Executive in Residence at the University of Victoria and is a principal in the consulting firm Sampson, Robinson and Associates Ltd.


Mahbod Rouhany: President and Founder

Mahbod is one of the six CSA certified GHG verifiers in BC, an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia, the founder of Strategic Carbon Management, and an experienced GHG inventory and carbon offset expert. Mahbod holds a Master of Science in Environmental Technology and a Graduate level certificate in Environmental Science. He has over twelve years of multidisciplinary international experience in project management, research, consulting, and as a technical, operations, and a United Nations project officer. His expertise is in GHG management strategies, GHG life cycle assessments, CDM project development, and validation and verification of GHG reduction/removal projects.

Dr. Hadi Dowlatabadi: Strategic Advisor

Green ERG co-founder, Dr. Hadi Dowlatabadi, is Canada Research Chair & Professor in Applied Mathematics and Global Change at the University of British Columbia. He is a University Fellow at Resources for the Future in Washington DC and an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Engineering & Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA. He completed his studies in Physics at Edinburgh and Cambridge Universities (BSc, 1980; PhD, 1984).

His research has focused on the interface between humans and the environment. He studies problems in energy, environmental science, ecosystems and human health. He is credited with pioneering Integrated Assessment and systematic uncertainty analysis of climate change processes, policy, and clean energy technologies. He directed the National Science Foundation’s Center of Excellence in Human Dimensions of Global Change from 1995-2001 before joining UBC. He has published books on electric utilities, technology choice, and determinants of malaria. He has more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and has collaborated with more than three dozen scholars in completing their PhDs.

A good deal of Hadi’s energy goes into making academic work more relevant to the real world and also to reflect robust academic findings in policy and action. In 1988-89 he was honored with a Warren Weaver Fellowship at Rockefeller Foundation, which he used to co-create Leadership for Environment and Development ( and promote Environmental Economics. Since coming to British Columbia he has co-founded a number of efforts to help consumers reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to help launch the Canadian Bioenergy Corporation.

Dr. John Robinson: Strategic Advisor

John Robinson is Executive Director, UBC Sustainability Initiative, and a professor with the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability, and the Department of Geography, at the University of British Columbia.

Dr. Robinson’s accomplishments include lead author in two separate working groups of the Nobel Prize winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); Trudeau Fellow holder; Board Member for the Pembina Institute; Member of the B.C. Provincial Climate Action Secretariat’s Climate Action Team; Founder of the Center for Interactive Research on Sustainability; Director of the Sustainable Development Research Initiative. His prolific publication record on climate change includes books, peer reviewed publications, and presentations on energy policy, climate change mitigation, green building design, and behavioral science approaches to sustainability. He is in the top echelons of Canadian intellectuals working actively on the most complex and pressing energy and climate change problems in the country.

Dr. Robinson is a strategic advisor to Strategic Carbon’s clients and provides expert advice, quality assurance, and access to secondary resources and expertise. Specifically, Dr. Robinson’s role as Director of the Center for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) provides access to 40 sustainability and climate change researchers at CIRS as well as access to numerous other graduate, and post-graduate researchers on climate change mitigation. Of these 40 researchers at CIRS, approximately 25% are dedicated to green building design and energy efficient technology with numerous others working on various aspects of individual, systemic, institutional, and inter-organizational sustainability.

He currently directs research programs looking at the intersection of climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainability; the use of visualization, modeling and citizen engagement to explore sustainable futures; sustainable buildings and urban design; creating private/public/NGO and research sector partnerships for sustainability; and generally the intersection of sustainability, social and technological change, behavior change, and community engagement processes.